Rock Today

Rock Today


The Almighty - Summer 2024

Ricky Warwick

Ricky Warwick

Only their 4th show in 31 years...

Floyd London

Floyd London

The billing for this year‘s Steelhouse Festival has been absolutely incredible and the event’s organisers have managed to play an absolute blinder in securing The Almighty to headline the final day. This represents only the fourth gig the band have played in 31 years, and despite an absence of 3 decades it’s been fantastic to see how the popularity the Almighty has in no way waned. In fact, even without new music it would appear that they are bigger than ever, demonstrated by the fact that their Three ‘n’ Easy run of shows in 2023 and medium-sized venues pretty much sold out instantly. As the band prepare to take to the stage, we sit down with bass player Floyd London to find out what it means to be back. In the scorching heat we grab a seat and our conversation begins… 

What does it mean to be not just playing, but headlining the final day of the Steelhouse festival 2024?

It’s not something I ever imagined we would be doing but I’m massively thankful and grateful and that the interest is there that puts us at that spot after all this time. Even with the three shows last year, they all sold out and that kind of feeling you don’t really get very often. So it’s just a massive sense of gratitude!

I completely understand that having been there and witnessed The Almighty back in the day. There has of course been a huge gap of time, but as you say the three shows sold out. You’re doing another set of Three ‘n’ Easy set of shows later this year. How does it feel to see that the love for the band is still hugely there?

It’s amazing! It’s like 30 years have just disappeared! It’s like we are young as well and the feeling is young - everything is young! It just feels like it was 30 years ago and it feels really special. The management company have been so good, nothing is a problem or an issue or anything like that. Everything is focused and everyone has a common mindset and everyone is looking in the same direction. It’s just one of those strange things and it’s just so fortunate that it’s all come around again.

How much are you looking forward to the next Three ‘n’ Easy shows in November?

It will be great! Indoor gigs are quite different to outside gigs. We’ve done outside gigs before. We’ve done Metallica and of course Donington, and it’s a different vibe. Indoors it’s captive so the sound and the darkness of it all I suppose lend it to be a more intimate kind of a show. But I am very much looking forward to those ones again. We are playing the classic Glasgow Barrowlands again which is always mental. You take what comes and if the interest is there will we be there!

As our conversation draws to a close, we reflect on what an absolutely iconic band The Almighty truly are. To return after 30 years and with a popularity and adoring fan base surely even greater than the 90s, and enjoying sold-out shows, truly reflects on what a special band this really is and how relevant they continue to be. To find out more head over to and in the meantime enjoy the photos from the pit below and take a trip down memory lane with the video to Free ‘n’ Easy below.

Rock Today
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